What you should know after company registration

After company registration, you should have the following information about the Company, especially if you are appointed company director . UNIQUE ENTITY NUMBER (UEN) Each Company will be issued with UEN upon successfully incorporation. Public is allowed to choose their own UEN with certain amount of fees . Related Article : What is UEN WHY

What is the Effect of Company Incorporation

After successfully incorporation with ACRA , Company become legal business vehicle to join business landscape. What is the effect for being Company? SEPARATE LEGAL ENTITY CONCEPT Company carry concept of SEPARATE LEGAL ENTITY between company and its shareholder . Which means that Company is able to stand alone in the eyes of law . ABILITY

How to Verify Company in Singapore

There always a risk regardless where you business transaction conducting. And the most common is phantom company. So, is good that company take further step to check before enter into contract . Check Pte ltd company for FREE visit www.bizfile.gov.sg and type company name as follow : RESULT : Live company means that the company

Company Registration With Employment Pass

WHO IS EMPLOYMENT PASS HOLDER (EP) EP is type of working pass means for foreigner whose monthly earning income is  S$4,500 with effect from 01 September . EP is govern by MOM regulation CAN EP BECOME COMPANY DIRECTOR YES, but for his Employer Company or its relevant Company ONLY IS EP CONSIDER LOCAL RESIDENTIAL DIRECTOR

WHAT IS Variable Capital Company(VCC)

What is VCC ? VCC is a new Corporate vehicle tailored for INVESTMENT FUND activities . And it was launched on 5 January 2020. VCC will be govern under ACRA and MAS . Why to have VCC ? You must be curious why we need VCC since we already have Pte Ltd, Patnership, LLP in

Significance of a Company’s Financial Year End (FYE)

Financial statements provide a snapshot of company financial insight at the particular period and it prepared based on the financial year end . Financial year end play important role in the following area : Company Tax Exemption Planing Company Decision Making Company structure reporting level Company statutory reporting compliance FINANCIAL YEAR END IN COMPANY TAX

Company Registration with foreigner

Document Needed for Director Passport Supporting documents for residential address Contact detail : email address and phone number Document Needed for Shareholder ( Individual ) Passport Supporting documents for residential address Contact detail : Email address and phone number Document Needed for Shareholder ( Corporate ) For a Company to be shareholder for Singapore registered

First financial statement of newly company

Every Pte Ltd company is required to submit their financial statement to IRAS and ACRA annually (except certain company which able to meet exemption creteria) WHAT IS FINANCIAL STATEMENT Presentation of Financial report is governed by Singapore Financial Reporting Standards (SFRS) According to the SFRS, a complete compilation of financial statements should comprise the following
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