Payment method for director

Being appointed company director , does not means you can withdrawn money from company bank account at anytime you want. Payment for director is recognized as Company expense . And Company revenue will be affected after deduction of company expense. So it is important to find out how to structure and plan for payment to

Why ACRA reject Company name application

Right business name is important for company image. Company name will show the following information : principal activities (consist of wording like import & export, trading, fishing) Company structure (consist of wording holding means this company owned subsidiary company) Although management is allowed to change company name but UEN number will remain the same .Reason

How to decide Date of Incorporation

You may need certain degree of courage to start entrepreneur journey. First you need to decide When is the best time to register the company. We all living in digital world now, and company registration can be done anytime from any part of the world. Just click on So, you have 100% control on date

Why register holding company in Singapore

What is holding company? A holding company is a company that controls: The composition of the board of directors of another company (also known as the subsidiary company); or More than half of the voting power of the subsidiary company. An ultimate holding company is a holding company that is not itself a subsidiary of

Common Mistake during Company Registration

Spelling Mistake First step to start entreprenuer journey is choose of company name . Must avoid any name with confusing spelling : example : Management may decide to have ABC SG Ptd Ltd instead of ABC Singapore Pte Ltd Registered address Do not confuse registered address with mailing address . Related article : Different type
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